Tuesday, December 6, 2011

The meaning of beautiful through my iPhone

            The one thing in life that will always make me feel better, always calm me down, always put a smile on my face, and will always be there for me is the beach. I love the beach more than almost anything else in life. I love the California Pacific Ocean and I love the New York Atlantic Ocean, any ocean anywhere is my favorite place in the world. There is something about the beach that calms me down and makes me take a step back from reality and let’s me relax. I have always found the waves crashing against the shore so soothing for me. Nothing else makes me happier then spending time in the sun on the beach frolicking in the water. All of the pictures shown in this blog I have taken on my iPhone. I find this pretty funny after reading the short essay by Andrew Sullivan about people living in the iWorld. I notice now that even when I am at the beach, relaxing and taking a break from the world I still have my iPhone out because I want to capture the beautiful moment I am experiencing.  Sullivan states in his short essay that people are missing out on life because they are plugged into their iPhones and not paying attention to the world around them. Sullivan didn’t think about using an iPhone to capture the moment in life that you are enjoying. I love the beach and I love my iPhone and together they make the best memories I will always be able to look back and reminisce on.
South Hampton Beach in New York over summer

Bodega Bay Beach in December, cold weather but still the beach is beautiful

Watching some friends Skim board at the beach at sunset

This is one of my most favorite  beach pictures I have ever taken, love how the waves look crashing onto shore

Enjoying the warm Atlanic Ocean water with my Mother, the one who gave me ocean fever 


  1. I enjoyed your photos here. I love nature shots and the beaches on the East Coast are one of my favorite places to relax and enjoy life. I'm usually with family and friends and that makes it even better. Thanks for sharing with all of us.

  2. I really loved your pictures of the beach. It's one of my favorite places to go. It has been fun getting to know you and make sure you keep in touch.
